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Country: Saturnian Mountains

House Elder: Elder Solomon

The Venulaes of Iustitia

‘Judgement Fairs’

Amalgamated Bloodlines: Libra, Lepus, Lupus, Aquila, Camelopardus, Grus, Sculptor

Seat: Iustitia

Pennons: Corbis, Loupe, Brunt, Castex, Frensel, Maitre, Lazard, Mallet, Charrier, Serre, Vidal, Brazier, Seyers, Halpher, Mare, Hacket, Corbert, Vymont,

Located on the harsh landscapes of the Saturnian Mountains, the Venulaes have a knack for keeping things gracious. Although they threaten little, they are still a house to be feared, knowing that the past kings of Iustitia would have stopped at nothing to deliver justice.

Venulaes Family

{Daryl Venulaes}, predecessor to Kenneth, died of an illness in his sleep,

His wife, Rosanna Venulaesmaiden name Till,

Their children:

Kenneth Venulaes, Lord of Iustitia, Liege of Saturn, Holder of the Tourmaline Gem,

Justus Venulaes, Sheryl Venulaes, and Verrell Venulaes,

Daryl's siblings:

{Kevin Venulaes}, threw himself from the Aquila at the age of twenty,

Kevin's wife, Estelle Venulaes, maiden name Didier,

Pennons and arms

Pennons of note:

Luquin Corbis, Lord of Fort Pondus,

Oceane Loupe, Lady of Civitas,

Oceane's son, Axel Loupe, a boy too young to rule,

Matthas Brunt, Warden of Judicium,

Tiebald Castex, Lord of Fort Creo,

Helies Frensel, Lord of Arkdale,

Artus Maitre, Lord of Frisen Keep,

Sylvestre Lazard, Lord of Moat Stilio,

Loys Mallet, Lord of Oretown,

Omer Charrier, Lord of Templebay,

Alexa Serre, Lady of Westreen,

Junien Vidal, Lord of Lorveil,

Gilbert Brazier, Lord of Erthal Keep,

Lorens Seyers, Lord of Barlon Peak,

Milo Halpher, Lord of Felbrook,

Garin Mare, Lord of Baerston's Hearth,

Fredris Hacket, Lord of Fort Wextrey,

Haralt Corbert, Lord of Kinhal Peak,

Lysa Vymont, Lady of Hallcross,

Venulaes Court

Elder Solomon, Libra representative at the Solar Auditorium,

Sir Lamont Chaney, First Avail to Kenneth and Daryl,

Clarke Doppel, head of word, brother to Galen Doppel,

Nathanial Gardet, head of trade,

Elise Bach, head of pennons,

Thomas Lowell, head of citizenship,

Arnest Appel, head of guards,

At Tantum Monastery:

Master Herle, master of the monastery,

Remon Lepus, chief acolyte, a bastard,

Tassin Cyrielle, apprentice acolyte,

Alceste Nee, bookkeeper,

Cleric Sabrina, priest and warrior,

Seer Tyonius, not of Sanctum Amino; a seer of his own methods


The Sculptors of Sangis

‘Hammers of Steel

Amalgamated Bloodlines: Libra, Sculptor, Lepus, Lupus

Seat: Sangis

Pennons: Drury, Herfast, Estney, Ayde, Derring, Irons, Quincy, Valles, Auber

Sculptor sigil coloured.png

Country: Arm of Jupiter

Head: Curtis Sculptor

House Elder: Elder Engelmar

Famed for their thriving economy, this ancient branch of the Libra have been the kings of southern commerce since long before the Pause. The Sangis Waterway, which before the Pause wasn’t a waterway at all but a river, only helped continue their reign, as a natural dock was born of Sangis, and the Sculptors werequick to reconquer the southern commerce of Austellus.

Sculptor Family

Curtis Sculptor, Lord of Sangis, Holder of the Platinum Coin,

his wife, Olivia Sculptor, maiden name Stoke,

their only son, Edwin Sculptor, heir to Sangis,

Curtis's siblings:

Darrel Sculptor, eldest brother,

Darrel's wife, Rachel Sculptor, maiden name Irons,

Darrel's daughter, Aveline Sculptor, and son, Julien Sculptor,

Katt Quincy, eldest sister,

Katt's husband, Osbert Quincy,

Katt's bastard children, Emery Lepus, Lisa Lepus, Grace Lepus,

Katt's trueborn son, Albert Quincy,

Fleur Valles, younger sister,

Fleur's husband, Richer Valles,

Fleur's sons, Benadin Valles, Oliver Valles, and their daughter, Suzo Valles,

Gerald Sculptor, youngest brother,

Gerald's wife, Yvanne Sculptor, maiden name Auber,

Gerald's son, Niel Sculptor, and twin daughters, Zoe Sculptor, Ade Sculptor,

Sculptor Court

Elder Engelmar, second Libra representative at the Solar Auditorium,

Osmunt Dyel, head of law,

Osmunt's brother, Widmunt Dyel, watchmaster,

Osmunt's youngest brother, Laurunt Dyel, Warden of the Dam,

Pierin Burke, head of ships,

Adam Dumont, head of coin,

Esdras Risley, of the hammer's guard, father to Nathan Risley,

Sir Octavian Blaknall, of the hammer's guard,

Luke Seeder, of the hammer's guard,

Garrot Paston, of the hammer's guard,

Martin Beele, of the hammer's guard,

Pennons and arms

Pennons of note:

Daubeny Drury, Lord of Hydwick,

Gabriel Herfast, Lord of Vaswick,

Gipp Estney, Lord of Somerdock,

Bertol Ayde, Lord of Penny Harbour,

Sir Avery Derring, Warden of Kitsvale,

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