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Horncurve Sigil Banner Coloured - An Age of Stars

Country: Ram's Haven

House Elder: Elder Ignatius

The Horncurves of Selerborn

‘Leading the Storm’

Amalgamated Bloodlines: Aries, Ara, Bootes, Borealis, Draco, Pavo, Perseus

Seat: Selerborn

Pennons: Raing, Beart, Amborsan, Baran, Loglach, Camshon, Peuter, Mactann, Tharnham, Dinn

Possibly one of the newest families to rise, the Horncurves are prominent for usurping the last Oquinteus and restoring order to the north after their exile. After Sigmund took the throne, they were pardoned and raised to lordship. Being a strong branch from the old blood of Aries, the Horncurves have done everything in their power to hold on to that origin, often causing unwanted wars and even more unwanted deaths.

Horncurve Family

Sigmund Horncurve, Lord of Selerborn, holder of the Diamond Horn,

His late wife, {Scarlett Horncurve}maiden name Hastem, died in battle,

Their children:

Riley Horncurve, eldest son, heir to Selerborn, Sigmund's First Avail,

Riley's wife, Emily Horncurve, maiden name Lynch,

Riley's twin sons, Cadmus Horncurve and Marcus Horncurve, and younger daughter, Athena Horncurve,

Luther Horncurve, Lord of Serpent’s Tower, youngest son,

Pennons and arms

Pennons of note:

Ailig Raing, Lord of Salem,

Ailig's daugher, Lili Raing,

Iain Beart, Lord of Aangmouth,

Rob Amborsan, Warden of Fort Flum,

Bearn Baran, Lord of Lushwood,

Parlan Loglach, Lord of Ramsport,

Daniel Camshon, Lord of Brumstone,

Oisean Peuter, Lord of Diamondstream,

Sealon Mactann, Lord of Fort Lux,

Fionn Tharnham, Lord of Tharnham Keep,

Fionn's sons, Lou Tharnham and Struan Tharnham,

Angus Dinn, Warden of Jugum,

Horncurve Court

Elder Ignatius, Aries representative at the Solar Auditorium,

Thirston Wiles, commander of the military,

Harper Siren, head of citizenship, Acting Lord of Selerborn,

Harper's sons, Bryan Siren and Cadell Siren,

Seathan Blar, head of trade,

Dugg Gallach, head of arms,

Ardin Hawtrey, of the ram’s guard,

Gerard Holt, of the ram’s guard,

Harold Smyth, of the ram’s guard,

Egan Brook, of the ram’s guard,

Raul James, of the ram’s guard,

Arran Gibbs, head of the city’s garrison,

Ruairi 'Raidarms' Jeckson, master armourer,

Angelo Brysea, inventor, Athena’s tutor,

Padraig Crannach, and his son, Ealar Crannach, a childhood friend of Cadell Siren.

At Serpent's Tower:

Volusia Narses, said to be a witch,

Finlay Knox, master of ships,

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